Sannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes)

Sannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes)


300 gms rice (soaked overnight)
1/2 Coconut (grated)
1/2 bottle toddy
1/2 tsp salt
3 Tbsps Sugar

Servings / Time

24 Sannas / 3 - 4 hours soaking time / 15 minutes steaming time


Sannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes) - The BatterSannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes) - Soaked Rice
1. Grind the rice and coconut separately using toddy a little at a time.

2. Mix the ground ingredients, salt and sugar

3. The batter should be thick so use toddy accordingly.

Sannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes) - Risen after 3-4 hoursSannas (Rice and Coconut Cakes) - Steaming in a vessel
4. Now keep the batter covered in a warm place for 3 - 4 hours.

5. Once ready, take large long vessel, add water to it and keep it on medium flame, oil the small containers and gently fill each container with the sanna batter. Add these containers above the steaming plate with holes and cover the entire vessel with the lid. Let it steam for around 15 minutes.

6. Once ready, allow to cool and then gently scoop out from the containers.
