Caramel Pudding


2 Sachets of El Mandarin Flan Pudim
1 litre Milk
6 tbsps Sugar
3 tbsp sugar for Caramel

Servings / Time

8 people / 1 Hour


1. Dissolve the powder in a cup of some amount of the 1 litre milk to be used

2. In a vessel burn sugar until caramelized, Add this into the mold, spread this mixture so that most of the bottom of the mold is covered.

3. Heat a vessel with milk add sugar and boil.

4. Now add the mixture of the remaining powder dissolved in the cup of milk.

5. Stir for 5 to 6 minutes. Once ready pour into the caramelized mold. Let it cool. Refrigerate it.

6. Before serving keep the pudding out from the refrigerator for an hour. Loosen it from the mold and gently place it upside down on a plate or bowl.
