Sweet Lime Chutney


5 Large Ripe Lemons, cut into fine cubes
5 Tbsps Sugar
Juice of 5 Lemons
5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/4 th inch ginger, finely chopped
2 Tbsps Red Chili Powder

Servings / Time

1 Small Jar / 1 hour


1.  Cut lemons into fine cubes, add sugar and lemon juice to the cut lemons and keep aside until the sugar melts. 

2. Now add the vessel containing the lemons and sugar on to a low flame, stir continuously so that the sugar does not burn, add chili powder along with ginger and garlic. 

3. Stir well so as to thicken the mixture. 

4. Cook until it thickens. Once it bubbles up turn off the flame. 

5. Let cool and fill in nice dry glass jar. 
