Marie Biscuit Chocolate Cake

Marie Biscuit Chocolate Cake

Marie Biscuit Chocolate Cake


250 gms Dark Chocolate Bar
A Handful of Cashew Nuts
20 Marie Biscuits, broken to small pieces
Cake Tin
Baking Paper
50 gms Butter
1/4 Cup Cream
Few Sesame seeds

Servings / Time

Serves 15/ 30 minutes


1. Melt the chocolate bars using a double boiler method i.e place the chocolate bars in a vessel larger than the pan boiling the water. Add water to a pan such that the water should not touch the vessel above it. Boil the water and place the vessel with the chocolate bars above this boiling pan. Once the water boils, the steam from the pan below melts the chocolate in the vessel above it. Melt the chocolate completely such that there are no lumps and air bubbles. I have used a porcelain bowl above the pan. The chocolate needs to be kept stiring as it melts so as to avoid it from getting burnt.

2. Once the chocolate has melted using the double boiler method, allow it to cool for a while as the bowl may be still hot. As the chocolate cools, keep the cashew nuts and pieces of Marie biscuits ready. 

3. Once the chocolate has cooled, add melted butter, cream and mix well. Now add the nuts and crushed biscuits. Mix well so that the chocolate mixture covers all the biscuits and nuts. 

4. Once ready take a cake tin add baking paper. Add the above mixture, spread evenly so that there are no air spaces. Press the top. Decorate with nuts and sesame seeds. You can also top it with peanut butter. Now freeze and keep. Best consumed frozen. 
