Curry Coriander Curd Chutney

Curry Coriander Curd Chutney


150 gms Thick Curd or Yogurt (Around 4 - 5 Tbsps Full)
2 Strands or Stalks of Curry Leaves
1 Tbsp Coriander Leaves
2 Green Chilies
20 Cloves Garlic
A Very Small Ball of Tamarind or Juice of 1/2 Lime
1 and 1/2 Tsp Sugar
1 Tsp Salt

Servings / Time

A Small Bowl or a Small Glass Jar / 15 Minutes


1. Wash the curry leaves thoroughly well, take them off from the strands or stalks and chop them fine. Also chop the coriander leaves. Deseed the chilies and chop them too.

2. Now add all the above ingredients to a mixer or blender to form a nice thick paste of chutney. Add the chutney to a nice porcelain bowl or to a glass jar and refrigerate.

3. The chutney can be can be consumed as and when needed. It tastes best with chapatis, rotis and bread. It can be also eaten with snacks like chicken, cutlets etc.
