Prawn Balchao (Prawn Pickle)

Prawn Balchao in Glass JarsPrawn Balchao


300 gms Small Prawns
2 Tbsps Dry Prawns (Galmo)
5 Medium Sized Onions, Cut into ringlets
Recheado Masala as per RECIPEE II
Salt as per requirement
Oil as per requirement
2 Tbsps Sugar
Extra Vinegar (Recheado Masala already contains vinegar)

Servings / Time

2 Small Jars / 1 and 1/2 Hour


Prawn Balchao - The Dried Prawns and Small Prawns
1. Neatly Clean the Prawns , take off the shells and the head from the Prawns .Wash them thoroughly well.

2. Add the Prawns to a bowl and add salt to the Prawns .Mix thoroughly well.

Prawn Balchao - The Prawns Partially Fried
3. Take a pan, add oil to the pan, add sufficient amount of oil and partially fry the prawns. As the prawns are getting fried cut the onions into ringlets

4. Once the prawns have been partially fried, take them off the pan and add them to a plate and keep them aside.

Prawn Balchao - Caramalized Onions
5. Do not turn off the flame, in the same pan, add more oil and add the onions, fry the onions till the onions caramalize. As the onions are getting fried, add the dry prawns to a blender and powder them.

Prawn Balchao Ready
6. Once the onions have caramalized, add the recheado masala along with the powdered dry prawns, fry the masala well, at this step add extra oil, extra vinegar and sugar.

7. The recheado masala color has to change from a lighter red to a darker red color and the oil has to ooze out so as to let the masala fry well.

Prawn Balchao
8. Once the recheado masala has been cooked well, add the partially fried prawns. Mix well and fry for another 15 minutes.

9. Once ready, turn off the flame. Allow the Balchão to cool in the pan and then when cooled fill it in glass jars.

Prawn Balchao
10. The Prawn Balchão is like a prawn pickle, it can be refrigerated and consumed when you want. The vinegar, salt and oil act as natural preservatives for this pickle.
