Fruit and Nut Cream Delight

Fruit and Nut Cream Delight
A Very Simple Form of Dessert using fruits, nuts, fresh cream, milk and honey. No Sugar is used here, the dessert can be enjoyed by the diabetics as well.


20 Strawberries, Sliced
2 Large Bananas, Sliced
Handful of Raisins, Finely Cut
Handful of Walnuts, Crushed
250 ml Fresh Cream
1/2 Cup Milk
3 Tablespoons of Honey

Servings / Time

5 Persons / 15 Minutes


1. Cut the strawberries and bananas into medium sized slices. Place these slices in a bowl. Now add crushed walnuts and raisins to the bowl. Keep some slices of strawberries aside for decoration.

2. Now pour some fresh cream and milk and honey over the strawberries, bananas, raisins, and walnuts. Mix well.

3. Add some strawberries and raisins to the top for some decoration. Pour some more honey with a tablespoon to glaze the decoration.

4. Keep the bowl in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Serve chilled. This is a nice creamy fruit salad with fresh fruits and fresh cream. You can use the fruits and nuts you desire depending on their availability. I had these two fruits and nuts available and so I used these.
