Coloured Snowballs

Coloured Snowballs


63 gms Sugar (Powdered)
75 gms Ghee
110 gms All Purpose Flour or Maida
A Pinch of Baking Powder
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/8 Tsp Vanilla Essence
Edible Colors (Green and Pink) as required

Servings / Time

40 Snowballs / 40 Minutes


Coloured Snowballs - The Ingredients Coloured Snowballs - Creamy Mixture of Ghee and Sugar
1. Powder the Sugar in a Mixer / Blender.

Take a bowl and beat the butter and sugar to form a nice creamy paste, add vanilla essence to this mixture.

2. In a separate bowl mix the flour, salt and baking powder.

Coloured Snowballs - The Dough
3. Now add the flour mixture to the creamy mixture of sugar and butter. Combine to form a nice smooth dough. Cover the dough and leave aside for 1 hour. After one hour knead the dough.

Separate the dough into 3 part, keep one part of the dough unchanged, add 2 drops each of green and pink edible colors separately to each part of the dough. Knead well such that the color is evenly spread across each part of the dough.

Coloured Snowballs - Just Baked Coloured Snowballs - Ready to Bake
4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade. Make round balls from different colored doughs to get either multi-colored balls or single color balls. Roughly make the balls into marble sizes. Round them between the palms of your hands and flatten on one side, such that the top part is rounded and the bottom is flat.

Coloured Snowballs - Placed in an airtight container
5. Dust a cookie tray with some flour and add the snowballs, such that they are evenly spaced between each other. Cover the cookie tray with a thin lid. Add the tray to the oven. Bake exactly for 10 minutes.

6. Once baked, take off the cookie tray from the oven and allow to cool until you are able to remove the snowballs from the tray, once cooled take off the snowballs and store in an airtight container.
