Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry

Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - Closer View


10 Babycorns, Cut into slices
10 Mushrooms, Cut into Slices
10 Small Florets of Cauliflower
3 Medium Sized Tomatoes, Finely Chopped
1 Large Spring Onion, Finely Chopped
1 Tablespoon Garlic, Minced
2 Teaspoons Ginger, Crushed
1 Medium Sized Green Chili, Slit into halves
2 Tablespoons Honey
Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - Closer View
1 Lime, Juiced
1 Tablespoon Red Chili Powder
1 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Teaspoon Salt or as per requirement
3 - 4 Tablespoons Oil
1 Tablespoon Cornflour
2 cups Water

Servings / Time

6 Persons / 45 Minutes

Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - The Ingredients 1


1. Heat 2 tbsps of oil in a pan, once hot add the cauliflower florets, sliced mushrooms and babycorns and stir fry them on a medium flame along with salt and pepper.

Stir fry until babycorn and cauliflower is crunchy. Once ready keep them aside.

Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - The Ingredients 2
2. Chop the tomatoes into fine pieces, add these pieces to a blender along with 1 tbsp of red chili powder and lime juice. Blend to form a tomato paste. Simultaneously dissolve the cornflour in one cup of water.

3. Now heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a vessel on a medium flame, once the oil is hot add the minced garlic, crushed ginger, finely chopped spring onions and green chilies. Saute for a few minutes.

Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - Stir Fried Vegetables
Now add the tomato paste to this mixture. Saute for a few minutes by adding 2 tablespoons of honey. Now add a cup of water, bring the mixture to a boil.

4. Now add the stir-fried vegetables to the mixture, allow the vegetables to boil for a few minutes.

Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry - Getting Cooked
5. Finally add the dissolved cornflour to the mixture. mix thoroughly well and cook until the gravy thickens as per your consistency of thickness.

If salt is less more salt can be added as per your taste. Serve hot with rice.

The Honey gives it a nice sweet taste and the lime and tomatoes a sour taste not forgetting the spicy red chili powder and the green chili adding to the flavor of the Sweet and Sour Vegetable Stir Fry.

Hope You Enjoy this... Happy Cooking !!!!
