Chocolate Oatmeal Cake

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake is made exclusively of oats, wheat flour, chocolate and other usual cake baking ingredients. This happened to be my second try at baking. Thought of baking this cake on a Sunday so that all could be home together relaxed and enjoying a slice of an oatmeal cake for tea time. The oats really do well when it comes to using them for baking. Trying to bake this cake was altogether a new experience for me. After baking this one I thought I am improving and getting better and better each passing time.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake


100 gms Chocolate Slab
50 gms Butter
1 Cup Wheat Flour
1/2 Cup of Cooking Oats
1/4 Cup of Honey or Sugar or as per your requirement (ideally 1 and 1/2 cup of Sugar if using unsweetened cocoa. I have used less since the chocolate slab already contains sugar.)
2 Eggs
1 Cup Boiling Water
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder, Heaped

Servings / Time

8 Persons / 1 Hour

7 x 2.5 Inch Round Cake Tin Used for Baking

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake - The Batter


1. Melt the Chocolate Bar in a microwave oven by setting the timer for around 3 minutes. The chocolate bar can also be melted using a double boiler method. Simultaneously melt the butter, mix the melted butter with the melted chocolate in a bowl.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake - The Batter covered with a silver foil
Also, add in 1/2 cup of oats and a cup of boiling water into the bowl of the melted butter and melted chocolate. Mix well, allow the oats to soak in the mixture, and allow the mixture to cool. Keep aside for a few minutes.

2. Break two eggs in a separate bowl, add honey or sugar and beat the mixture. Add this mixture of beaten eggs and honey or sugar into the bowl containing molten chocolate and the soaked oats. Mix thoroughly well.

3. Now in a separate bowl mix a cup of wheat flour and a heaped teaspoon of baking powder. Mix well so that the baking powder is evenly distributed. Now add this mixture slowly into the above mixture of molten chocolate, oats, and eggs little at a time, so that a smooth batter is obtained.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake - The Slice
4. Grease the round cake tin with butter and dust the tin with wheat flour. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade.

5. Pour the mixture into the round cake tin and add the tin to the oven. Cover the top of the tin with a silver foil so as to avoid the top of the cake from burning.

6. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees centigrade. Once ready leave it in the oven itself for the warmth, let it cool in the oven itself, then cut into pieces and serve with fresh whipped cream and chocolate sauce.


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