Mangada (Mango Jam)

Mango Jam or the famous 'Mangada' as we call it in portuguese is a very famous Goan Jam, especially made during the summer season, the summer happens to be the mango season, specifically the months from march to june where we have mangoes in abundance.

Special Pulpy juicy mangoes are chosen to make this jam. Although the making of this jam is a simple but quite a tedious process as it involves a lot of stirring and is time consuming, however the effort is worthwhile I must say.

In the olden times, our ancestors used to make this mango jam in large quantities as they had a lot of mango trees with a larger mango produce, all the ripe juicy and pulpy mangoes would be separated and kept aside for making the jam. They would make the fire using some kind of firewood and coal and place a large pan, with a lot of mango pulp and the desired amount of sugar. There were many helping hands then stirring the mixture all together and sweating it out for long hours. They enjoyed this activity as they would chat along with each other. They used to make a lot of mango jam filled in large glass jars which would be sent across to relatives and friends all across the globe.

Tha mango jam can be preserved in glass jars and lasts a long time. It is the best way to enjoy your home mangoes.


10 - 15 Mangoes (1 Kg)
1/2 kg Sugar
Juice of 1 Lime

Servings / Time

5 medium sized jars / 1hr 30 min


1. Skin the mangoes, squeeze the mangoes in order to obtain the pulp. Add this pulp to a vessel.

2. Now add sugar, mix well the pulp and sugar. Place the vessel on a low flame.

3. Let the mixture bubble, keep stirring the mixture so that it does not stick to the vessel.  Add some lime juice to the jam mixture as you keep stirring. 

4. Once the mixture loosens out from the vessel it is ready, however, the mixture should not be too pulpy but thick enough. Put off the flame once ready.

5. Let the mixture cool. Fill the mixture into glass jars.
